Festival of Disruption program
Preliminary program

9.30 Reception and registration

10.00 Welcome by official hosts
Official opening words by Maarten Steinbuch & Katja Pahnke

10.15 Keynote | Kees Klomp | Existential Economics
Existential economics is a new economic system approach

11.15 Coffee break

11.35 Disrupt your mind workshops
- Cybersecurity in the OT area & supply chain security, which necessary steps do we need to take?
- Business Model Innovation in an Exponential World
- Heat delivered in a box!
- Biomimicry – Lessons from nature for technical and social innovation
- Experiencing the BuurautoNoom
- Emergence Lab: Bridging the social gap
- Moral Design Strategy

12.40 Lunch break
Let us suprise you

13.40 Deep dive project pitches
The Deep dive project pitches take place in 5 different rounds, 20 minutes per round. You can choose pitches that you find interesting!
Time | Round | Subarea 0.04 | Subarea 0.01 | Subarea 0.37 | Subarea 0.35 | Subarea 0.45 |
13:40 | 1 | PowerLift | Auxstent | DynaPopex | Smart Heat Shed | GEM-Stage |
14:00 | 2 | Smart Mobility | Advanced piezo- electric wafer stage | PerStim | iHeat @Home | WECARE |
14:20 | 3 | Brains4 Buildings | NEON EE | JUNO Perinatal Healthcare | SmartMan | IntelLight+ |
14:40 | 4 | So-STRAP | Smart Two+ | Direct Air Capture 2.0 | CM-FDD- HVAC | POWEr FITTing |
15:00 | 5 | CoLLidE | Neurotrend | VIPNOM | MEDICAID | ECOS-IAQ |

15.00 Extra workshop: How to get funding for your innovative ideas

15.50 Keynote speaker: Walter Baets
The one who sows order, will harvest chaos

Closing and network drinks
Disrupt your mind workshops
- Cybersecurity in the OT area & supply chain security, which necessary stept do we need to take?
Dimitri Hehanussa – Senior Business Manager Cybersecurity at TNO
Cyber resilience in the OT area is critical. Inspired by requirements from operational ICS environments, and aimed at enhancing that cyber resilience, realistic attack scenarios are being run in a controlled manner, thus collecting data. These datasets are essential input for the development and validation of new security monitoring and detection solutions, applicable in practice and capable of countering advanced cyber-attacks.
In this session, Dimitri Hehanussa will discuss with you what you need to increase cyber resilience in the OT area and the supply chain of your company.
- Business Model Innovation in an Exponential World
Walter Baets – Learning Officer at Eindhoven Engine
An introduction of how to create impactful, scalable and economically viable solutions based on the potential of exponential techonlogies.
- Heat delivered in a box!
Evert Rietdijk – CEO at Cellcius
By using an innovative technology, Cellcius can transport heat loss-free over longer distances. Will there be a Cellcius minibus driving through your neighbourhood in the future, alongside the bol.com minibus, to supply your home with heat? This question will be the starting point of this workshop.
- Biomimicry – Lessons from nature for technical and social innovation
Yvonne van Lith – Lecturer in Applied Natural Sciences and Researcher Circular Economy and Energy Transition at Fontys University of Applied Sciences
By designing our products, processes and systems and even our social networks, we can ask ourselves: How does nature do that? How does nature….. attach, cool down, create color, create flow, decompose, communicate, distribute resources, form enduring partnerships? Nature has 3,8 billion years of design experience. We can learn from nature as a model, investigate shapes and structures in nature that are often energy and material efficient. Or we can take nature as a measure to design in a life friendly way. Most of all, nature is a powerful mentor with six very practical Life’s Principles, a set of design strategies that have proven itself to work, to create conditions conducive to life.
In this workshop you will experience these Life’s Principles and apply them to your own organization or project.
- Experiencing the BuurautoNoom
Project team SmartMobility at Eindhoven Engine
Take a seat in the future of car sharing. In this workshop you will be introduced to the concept of BuurautoNoom, a disruptive concept in the carsharing industry. Within this project TU/e developed the function of automated valet parking, and you’ll get the opportunity to take a seat and be driven in this automated vehicle!
- Emergence Lab: Bridging the social gap
Lotte Geertsen – Project leader Emergence lab at Eindhoven Engine
Help solving wicked problems to bridge the social gap. How? By conducting social innovation wíth the target group.
During this workshop you will experience, using low literacy as use case, how you can practice the most inclusive from of innovation.
- Moral Design Strategy
Bart Wernaart – Professor Moral Design Strategy at Fontys University of Applied Sciences
We explore how individual morality can be used as input for design. By making our digital society more human, moral design contributes to reducing the distance between individual and organization. In this workshop we will work out a concrete example.
- Extra Workshop: How to get funding for your innovative ideas
15:00 – 15:45 I Room 1.35 I Catalyze & Kadans Science Partner
During the workshop, you will learn about the funding opportunities for your company, from the R&D start-up phase all the way through to market launch. Catalyze will showcase a range of interesting grant opportunities, and share their insider tips on how to prepare a strong grant application