About Eindhoven Engine
At Eindhoven Engine we work on complex societal challenges. These are also called wicked problems. These challenges are typical difficult to solve due to many conflicting and changing factors. Eindhoven Engine is ready to tackle these challenges head-on.
Our ecosystem
Our projects
The projects we support are multidisciplinary, societally impactful, and embedded in our high tech region. Their project members are all eager to accelerate.
Emergence Lab
The Emergence Lab philosophy is all about the wider prosperity of our Smart Society. After all, everyone should be able to be part of this! Using the concept of ‘bridging the social gap’ as an umbrella, we work together with the entire innovation ecosystem.
Human Capital
In an exponential world the pressure to speed up innovation is growing higher. We need an ecosystem that disrupts, opens, connects, inspires, and accelerates. Eindhoven Engine offers courses and coaching to take individual innovators and teams on a transformational journey. A journey that will change the way you think, act and move.

Media: Technologie met een duidelijk maatschappelijk doel: innovatieversneller Eindhoven Engine gaat nieuwe fase in

Science, industry and government seek solution to grid congestion via large-scale living lab on TU/e campus