Existing work and available information
Besides being a ‘regular’ workplace, the WPVH is also hosting events, brainstorms and meetings, inviting many external participants. The building does not have a central reception desk, instead a visitor will ring the doorbell, and someone within the WPVH will have to respond to that. This can a very tedious task, especially when the number of guests is large.
The project goal
The goal of the project is to create a new, automated, building access system that will allow guests to be registered, with the option to allow the guests to enter the front doors without the intervention of a receptionist. Obviously, security of the solution is of utmost importance, as unwanted guests should not gain unauthorized access to the building. Access through the system will be logged, and the host will receive a push notification about the visit.

Solution characteristics
We expect the solution to fulfil the following requirements:
- The current doorbell system should remain functional,
- A clear description of the authorization mechanisms used for the solution, and how it prevents unauthorized access, is a key deliverable of this project,
- The system should allow multiple hosts to register multiple guests,
- Hosts can be part of the WPVH core team group, or of the WPVH partner group:
– WPVH partners can register guests, and can keep track of time / date of their guests arrivals,
– Additionally, WPVH core team group has insights into the total number of registered guests, including date and time. WPVH core team members can also maintain a list of WPVH partners (i.e. assign or withdraw WPVH partner rights to the system), - Handling personal data: the system shall be designed to fulfil the requirements of GDPR.
Project execution
We expect the project to consist of the following phases:
- Problem definition: Understanding the existing building access system,
- Solution development: Create an architecture or multiple architectures towards solving the problem. For each architecture, describe the authorization principle and precautions to prevent unauthorized access,
- Prototyping: the proposed solution is tested through prototyping,
- Final implementation: the final implementation is made and deployed. If a mobile phone is part of the solution, it shall be implemented for Apple iOS (16 / 17) and Android (e.g. 13 / 14).
We hope the students can/will join the weekly gathering of all students on Thursday morning 9:00h. We expect regular interaction (weekly / every other week), where the students can pitch and discuss the progress and next steps. These sessions can be used also to generate quick feedback, focus groups, etc..
Types of study
Computer science/ ICT