
Media: Innovation accelerator Eindhoven Engine enters new phase

As a society, we face numerous challenges. At Eindhoven Engine, a collaborative program between companies, knowledge institutions, social organizations and citizens in the Brainport region, work has been going on for years on innovations to address these problems. Now the program is breaking new ground.

Smart Mobility @Eindhoven Engine during DTW

Eindhoven Engine accelerates innovation in the Brainport region through challenge-based research in its public-private research facility at the TU/e Campus. Teams of our region’s most talented researchers from industry, knowledge institutes and students cooperate in Eindhoven Engine research programs to deliver breakthrough technological solutions.

In the Smart Mobility project the goal is develop new perception technology for next-generation automated driving systems. The project focusses both on sensors, by researching and prototyping new imaging radar systems, and on artificial intelligence, by researching highly-efficient deep binary neural networks that can interpret sensor data. This project is a collaboration of TU/e and NXP and supported by Eindhoven Engine and AI in Motion.

Watch here the broadcast ‘Smart Mobility @Eindhoven Engine‘ recordered during the Dutch Technology Week 2021 and TU/e professor Gijs Dubbelman will explain how this particular project @Eindhoven Engine accelerates innovation.