
Media: Innovation accelerator Eindhoven Engine enters new phase

As a society, we face numerous challenges. At Eindhoven Engine, a collaborative program between companies, knowledge institutions, social organizations and citizens in the Brainport region, work has been going on for years on innovations to address these problems. Now the program is breaking new ground.




Start year 2020


Marieke van Beurden – Project leader

The POWerFITTing project focuses on the optimization of a person’s vitality both at work and the (home) office to remain healthy and productive.

Steven Vos – Professor Fontys & TU/e

We are optimizing the relationship between vitality and the (home) office environment. By taking into account individual, societal and contextual factors, this enables employees to remain both healthy and productive.

Hans Brombacher – PhD candidate

Hans, PhD candidate in the POWErFITTing project, researches the improvement of a healthier and active environment for people in (home) offices. By the combination of data acquisition, integration and application for the validation and acceleration of user-oriented solutions, Hans is optimizing the relationship between vitality and the (home) office environment.
