Innovator in the Spotlight

Towards a more inclusive society to raise awareness of basic skills gaps

In the Netherlands, 2.5 million people struggle daily with reading, writing, math, and digital skills, also called basic skills. These deficiencies make it difficult for them to fully participate in society, such as reading and understanding a letter or buying a train ticket, leading to various personal and societal problems.

Towards automated personal comfort systems for heating, cooling and ventilation

Hello, my name is Petros Zimianitis (31 years old). I come from Greece and I was an EngD trainee in the Smart Buildings and Cities program at Eindhoven University of Technology. I studied Physics as my bachelor’s and did my master’s in Computational Physics in Greece.


Driven by my curiosity and my eagerness to come up with innovative solutions to interesting technical challenges, I started my Engineering Doctorate traineeship in 2021, to contribute to the world of the built environment.

Are we using energy efficiently?

In the Netherlands, buildings are responsible for a great proportion of the total energy consumption. It is estimated that there can be significant energy savings by improving building installations and conditioning systems. Another important issue is the reported dissatisfaction of occupants in non-residential buildings regarding their perceived comfort and air quality. This is not a very efficient way of using energy, especially now that the world is moving to more sustainable energy generation. There are also a lot of research findings regarding the differences in perceived comfort across individuals.

Individualizing comfort in offices

My project, ‘Towards automated personal comfort systems for heating, cooling and ventilation’, is part of the Brains4Buildings consortium. It aims to take the step from research towards design and, thus to develop and test a prototype personalized comfort system (PCS), controlled by a machine learning model, as a module for building management systems for office buildings. The control inputs for the system come from both objective measurements of the environmental conditions around the occupant as well as the occupants’ perceived thermal comfort and perceived air quality.

System development

The prototype PCS was developed in a real office environment, in the living lab of Kropman in Breda. Prior to now, there was been a lot of research performed in controlled experiment rooms (climate chambers) at universities and other institutes. The benefit of developing such a system in a real office environment is that the system and the interaction that the occupants have with it can be tested in real-world conditions.


During the tests, the system showed promising performance. The machine learning models were able to predict the perfect settings for the volunteers the majority of the time. It was also reported that the volunteers that were using the PCS were felt comfortable throughout the day, whereas other people that worked in the same building in normal offices were experienced some kind of discomfort throughout the day.

What does this mean?

By individualizing comfort systems, there are huge gains that can be made in energy use. PCSs are using significantly less energy for the same task than central conditioning systems. A combination of these systems can prove to be much more energy efficient than the systems currently in use, thus, enabling buildings to easily integrate sustainable on-site energy generation solutions. All this is possible, while still providing increased levels of comfort to the occupants, which also extends to higher productivity and overall improvement of the occupants’ well-being!

By individualizing comfort systems, there are huge gains that can be made in energy use. PCSs are using significantly less energy for the same task than central conditioning systems

Petros Zimianitis
Engineer at Kropman

Improving indoor air quality in schools in the Netherlands

Hello, I’m Ayda Golahmadi, a curious individual and an EngD trainee from Iran who is always seeking fresh perspectives on everything around me. My dedication, creativity and abilities have always been directed towards fostering innovative viewpoints and adopting a holistic approach to all aspects of life. Engineering and design emerged as the perfect avenue for me to kickstart my career.


Improving indoor air quality

My research is focused on improving indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools in the Netherlands as part of the ECOS-IAQ project. The project aims to propose new strategies for improving the performance of ventilation systems in Dutch schools. The study explores the concept of ventilation effectiveness as a strategy to improve IAQ in classrooms. It demonstrates the potential of improving the effectiveness of ventilation rather than merely increasing airflow rates to meet indoor air quality needs.

Promising results

The results of my research so far have been promising. I have been able to use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations to analyze the airflow distribution in a classroom and assess the performance of different ventilation systems. The insights gained from these simulations have been instrumental in understanding the impact of various factors on indoor air quality. One of the key findings of my research is the potential impact of implementing multi-zone ventilation concepts and methodologies in classrooms. This approach has shown promise in improving the effectiveness of ventilation and indoor air quality.

indoor air quality


However, there are several challenges that I still need to address. One of the main challenges is the limitations of CFD simulations. The quality of the input data has a significant impact on the accuracy of the results. Additionally, the complexity of physical phenomena such as turbulence and heat transfer can also affect the accuracy of the CFD simulations. Another challenge is the generalization of ventilation types. The study focused on two specific types of ventilation concepts: displacement ventilation and mixing ventilation. However, there are other ventilation concepts that were not considered in the study.

Impact is significant

Despite these challenges, I am optimistic about the impact of my research. Indoor air quality is a critical factor that significantly impacts the health and academic performance of students in schools. By improving the ventilation systems in schools, we can enhance the indoor air quality, leading to better health, thermal comfort and higher energy efficiency. This research addresses the social problem of poor indoor air quality in schools, which has been linked to a decrease in students’ cognitive abilities.

In conclusion, while there are challenges to overcome, the potential impact of this research is significant. The insights gained from this study will not only contribute to the academic field but also have the potential to bring about meaningful change in the real world. I look forward to continuing my work on this project and making a positive impact on the lives of students in schools.

The insights gained from this study will not only contribute to the academic field but also have the potential to bring about meaningful change in the real world.

Ayda Golahmadi
EngD trainee ECOS-IAQ project

The built environment is responsible for about 36% of the global energy demand. About 5-30% of the energy use of buildings is related to energy waste due to faults in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. The goal is to develop a self-learning module that can monitor and diagnose climate systems in large buildings.

Generic, robust and reliable fault detection & diagnosis tool

Rick Kramer is the leader of this project and Srinivasan is one of his PhD candidates. Srinivasan is focusing on developing a generic, robust and reliable fault detection and diagnosis tool that can help with the early detection of these faults and eliminate energy wastage.

Personalized control system in an office environment

Within this project, EngD trainee Petros is focusing on the people within large buildings. He is doing research on the control and functionality of a personalized control system that people will be able to use in their office environment to tailor it according to their needs and preferences.



Start year 2020



Brains4 Buildings

The goal is to develop a self-learning module that can monitor and diagnose climate systems in large buildings.

Start year 2021

More about the project

Rick Kramer – Project leader & Srinivasan Gopalan – PhD canditate

Petros Zimianitis – EngD trainee