
Media: Innovation accelerator Eindhoven Engine enters new phase

As a society, we face numerous challenges. At Eindhoven Engine, a collaborative program between companies, knowledge institutions, social organizations and citizens in the Brainport region, work has been going on for years on innovations to address these problems. Now the program is breaking new ground.

New project leader Medicaid project

Hi, my name is Mylene Frankfort and on April 1st I started as a project leader for the Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center (e/MTIC). Together with the Recover@Home student team, we will work on remote healthcare solutions to enable the recovery of patients at home, focusing specifically on innovative ways to assess quality of life and patient/staff experience. This project is supported by Eindhoven Engine under the main project ‘Medicaid’.


” I am looking forward to connecting with students, researchers and other project members to set up an innovation loop..”

Mylene Frankfort, Medicaid

Innovation loop

With a background in Biomedical Engineering I am pleased to be able to work in this inspiring multidisciplinary environment. This new role complements my current position at Máxima MC where I work on projects mainly focusing on remote patient management, remote care and rehabilitation. By being part of this collaboration I am looking forward to connecting with students, researchers and other project members to set up an innovation loop, where we will work on a development platform at TU/e together with industry partners, and validate use cases in a clinical setting.

Do you want to share some thoughts or are you interested in joining this team? I am present at Disruptor @TU/e campus on Fridays! Look forward to meeting you!