Innovator in the Spotlight

Towards a more inclusive society to raise awareness of basic skills gaps

In the Netherlands, 2.5 million people struggle daily with reading, writing, math, and digital skills, also called basic skills. These deficiencies make it difficult for them to fully participate in society, such as reading and understanding a letter or buying a train ticket, leading to various personal and societal problems.

Eindhoven Engine News – October 2020

After this unique summer period, life was a bit back to normal at the campus in Eindhoven – at least to a certain extent due to corona and the possibilities for working safely according to the regulations. Following the recent announcements, we are going back to the pre-summer situation but we feel that we are better prepared now. We are eager to boost our virtual meetings with limited activities in co-location in our MultiMedia Paviljoen building, which is now in its final phase of restructuring. We look forward to the finishing line in this process!

In this edition of Eindhoven Engine News:

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