Innovator in the Spotlight

Towards a more inclusive society to raise awareness of basic skills gaps

In the Netherlands, 2.5 million people struggle daily with reading, writing, math, and digital skills, also called basic skills. These deficiencies make it difficult for them to fully participate in society, such as reading and understanding a letter or buying a train ticket, leading to various personal and societal problems.

Eindhoven Engine News – December 2020

The year 2020 has been a rollercoaster. Due to the COVID-19 measures, we and our project partners have had to adapt and mainly work remotely from our home offices. It was also a very successful year: in July, we granted six new innovation projects in the OpenCall 2020 on top of the nine already in place. Last October, Fontys, TNO and TU Eindhoven became equal shareholders in Eindhoven Engine. Together, we align forces to help accelerate innovations in the Brainport region. 

The renovation of our co-location, the MultiMedia Paviljoen building (MMP) on the TU/e Campus, took place and we will return to our co-location as soon as the measures regarding COVID-19 allow: the place where we meet, connect and work on innovative projects. An inspiring and energetic place for our community.

Further in this edition: