
Media: Innovation accelerator Eindhoven Engine enters new phase

As a society, we face numerous challenges. At Eindhoven Engine, a collaborative program between companies, knowledge institutions, social organizations and citizens in the Brainport region, work has been going on for years on innovations to address these problems. Now the program is breaking new ground.

Announcement Eindhoven Engine

Announcement Eindhoven Engine

We would hereby like to inform you that Katja Pahnke will step down from her role as managing director of Eindhoven Engine BV on 1 November, 2022. She has accepted a very nice challenge at Prodrive Technologies BV: she will join the board as the Chief Development Officer (CDO) and will lead Prodrive Technologies Innovation Services. In addition to R&D, this includes talent, leadership and organizational development and serves as a great opportunity for her and for the region, one that we wish her all the best in.


We are proud of the results achieved so far with Eindhoven Engine and how it has become embedded within the ecosystem. We are especially grateful to Katja for her important contribution in this: she has been a major factor in building up the organization, inspiring our team and engaging all shareholders in an outstanding manner. As Eindhoven Engine, we have an important role to play in our ecosystem, which we do so with full responsibility and with the energy and vigor of our motivated team.

On behalf of Eindhoven Engine BV,

Maarten Steinbuch (scientific director)
Bert Pauli (chair of the Supervisory Board)