
Media: Innovation accelerator Eindhoven Engine enters new phase

As a society, we face numerous challenges. At Eindhoven Engine, a collaborative program between companies, knowledge institutions, social organizations and citizens in the Brainport region, work has been going on for years on innovations to address these problems. Now the program is breaking new ground.


Our team

Maarten Steinbuch
Scientific director
Janne Brok
Managing director
Walter Baets
Wicked Problems officer
Paul Desmedt
Program manager Livable Region
Lotte Geertsen
Program manager Inclusive Society
Folkert Huijsinga
Program manager Future Proof Care
Joëlle van den Broek
Liaison Manager TNO
Dimitri van de Kelft
Liaison Manager Fontys
Hoi-Yan Planjer
Communication & event officer
Jasmijn Schol
Event & community officer
Merel Notten
Project & team coordinator Inclusive Society
Eefje op den Buijsch
Resident Gemeente Eindhoven
Inge Hootsmans
Social junior designer Inclusive Society
Stephan de Kruijf
Finance & control officer
Patricia van Mierlo
Finance & project control officer
Frank van Oudenhoven
Finance officer
Theo Elfring
Legal Counsil officer
Alwin Maas
Office Manager
Jessica Goss, EngD Trainee Designing Human-Systems Interaction
Jéssica Goss
Product owner Met Mij & product designer Inclusive Society
Golnoosh Sabahifard
Golnoosh Sabahifard
EngD Livable Region
Sichen Guo
EngD Inclusive society

Our students

Jamy de Lange
Student Assistant – Business Innovation
Rosalie Hendriks
Intern – Business Innovation
David Rozenberg
Intern – ICT
Mare Gijsbers
Intern- Business Innovation
Levi Deerenberg
Intern – Business Innovation
Hilde Schram
Intern – Strategic communication
Cathelijne Brantjes
Intern – Healthcare Technology
Ivory Johan
Intern – Business Innovation