Innovator in the Spotlight

Towards a more inclusive society to raise awareness of basic skills gaps

In the Netherlands, 2.5 million people struggle daily with reading, writing, math, and digital skills, also called basic skills. These deficiencies make it difficult for them to fully participate in society, such as reading and understanding a letter or buying a train ticket, leading to various personal and societal problems.


Hack2Impact 2024 | Energy Transition

Date: Thursday 29 February 2024

Time: 08:30 – 20:00 hrs 

Location: Eindhoven Engine, TU/e Campus

Energy transition is an obstacle we must confront. It necessitates a global shift from conventional, fossil fuel-dependent energy sources to sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives. We feel a responsibility to be part of a successful energy transition.

Our hackathon covers the following three challenges:

1.  Creating future water treatment systems
2.  Designing an energy-neutral campus
3.  Realizing behavior change in solar adaption


Join our hackathon in tackling this and make a difference to society by solving these challenges!

Hackathon partners

What is Hack2Impact?

Hack2Impact 2024 stands out as a full-day hackathon organized by Eindhoven Engine, focusing on Energy Transition. Technical and creative innovators (students and professionals) will work together to tackle energy transition challenges and come up with innovative solutions.

The hackathon’s dynamic structure fosters an environment of creativity and cooperation as teams of hacking members work swiftly to develop impactful solutions for the energy transition.


The challenges

Challenge 1: How to create future water treatment systems?

Due to climate change drinkable water will become a critical resource for all of us. Water management is now a top government  priority. Facilities in water treatment are currently large energy consuming and waste producing places. Help us turn the system around and turn water treatment facilities into cutting-edge materials and energy generating hubs. Combine renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or biomass into a sustainable water treatment system of the future.

Challenge 2: How to design an energy-neutral campus by behavioral change and efficient energy use?

How can you make the campus energy neutral? This includes technical aspects (such as heat, other energy consumption and mobility), economic aspects and user behavior. Take into account the needs of students and personnel, consider not only activities on campus but also transportation to and from campus. Create inspiring out-of-the box idea’s which will be presented to the department of Housing & Facilities (Huisvesting & Facilitaire zaken) for potential real implementation.

Challenge 3: How to realize change in behavior among businesses and households in the purchase and use of solar panels?

The transition to energy generated by solar panels is stagnating. Households are hesitant to install solar panels. Energy providers have indicated they may want to charge money for returning energy to the grid. In the same time, companies are reluctant to install solar panels because of long waiting list for connections to the grid. Solar energy is however a very clean and renewable energy and we should embrace it in our energy productions systems. Help us overcome the current hurdles to make our energy production sustainable.

Join us in tackling this!

A successful energy transition holds the key to a more sustainable and robust energy future, alleviating the repercussions of climate change and advancing environmental stewardship. We bear the responsibility for ensuring a successful energy transition that contributes to a future characterized by sustainability and resilience, addressing the challenges posed by climate change.

Your involvement makes a difference for a healthier planet and a sustainable future.

Select the challenge that captivates your interest the most – act fast and sign up today!


Why take part?

Because you want an amazing learning and memorable experience! You get the opportunity to come up with real, practical solutions to energy transition provided and pitched by our challenge owners from institutes and industry.

It is a fantastic learning opportunity. Why? It forces you to get out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself and others to grow. Attain new knowledge, have endless opportunities to get to know people, get a taste of team dynamics and learn how to collaborate under pressure. And it can help you to get a better understanding of your true passion and open your eyes to new career choices.

Hack2Impact Energy Transition Prize

Get ready for an extraordinary victory with the H2I Energy Transition Prize! With three challenges in the hackathon, one winner will be selected for each challenge.

Brace yourself for a prize package that includes:

  • Personalized Guidance: Receive expert guidance from the challenge owner.
  • Strategic Insights: Dive into a Business Model Innovation workshop with our Wicked Problem Officer, Walter Baets.
  • Workspace Excellence: Enjoy a six-month workspace at Eindhoven Engine.
  • Sustainable Inspiration: Receive a thoughtfully sustainable gift.

Who are we looking for?

Hacking members

You are a student or professional with an affinity for energy transition challenges and you want to make a difference to society by solving these challenges. You like to meet new people, work in multidisciplinary teams and (learn how to) get out of your comfort zone.

Can’t wait to come up with a solution for one of the energy transition challenges? Register now! Details about the challenges will be communicated shortly.


You help guide, challenge and advise the hacker teams. You love to shed light on aspects the teams have not thought of before. Your background is related to energy transition, engineering, business, design, academia, management or entrepreneurship and you like to share your experience and advise the teams of hackers. It will take you minimal 2 hours.

Want to join us as a mentor? Send us an email and we will contact you for further details.

Sign up here!


08:00Doors open & registration
08:30Welcome & introduction
08:45Challenge pitches & team formation
10:15Start to hack
13:00Continue to hack/ check with coaches
15:30Continue to hack
16:30Final check with your coach(es)
17:30Demo market/ Judging time
18:30Jury deliberation/ Dinner time
19:00Award ceremony
19:30Drink & bites

Program is subject to change.

Hack2Impact 2022 after movie