Women in Science Week at TU/e | Meet-up event
- Opening session: by Silvia Lenaerts – Rector Magnificus of TU/e & Ella Hueting – Director of Fontys Engineering
- Keynote: by Tila Pronk – Associate Professor of Social Psychology at Tilburg University
- Marina van Damme Grant Award: Presentation of the prestigious €9,000 grant to a talented female TU/e alumna
- Speed-dating session: A great chance to meet and engage with women from diverse scientific backgrounds
- Moderator: Cindy de Koning – Press Officer at TU/e

Why join?
- Networking: This event is a fantastic opportunity to meet and connect with over 50 inspiring female scientists.
- Experience Sharing: It is a perfect chance to expand your network, share experiences, and engage with female role models from various fields.
For whom?
- This meet-up event is open to everyone who feels connected to the theme of women in science and diversity, regardless of gender, background, or role.

Full program & sign up
- Don’t miss out!
- Check out the full program & Sign up now!
- Women in Science Week | Meet-up event
- Eindhoven University of Technology, co-organized by Fontys Engineering and WISE Network
Feel most welcome to join us – don’t forget to sign up!