We are pleased to have dr.ir. Rens Brankaert as a speaker during this session. Rens is assistant professor of Active and Healthy Ageing at TU/e, and professor at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, and he set up and leads the Expertise Center for Dementia & Technology.
Program Warm Technology session (by ECDT):
- 12:00 – 12:30 Welcome & Introduction by Expertise Centre Dementia & Technology
Introduction into Warm Technology (by Rens Brankaert)
- 12:30 – 13:00 Interactive workshop, perspectives on Warm Technology (by ECDT team)
Reflect on technology examples and apply these lessons to your own projects
- 13:00 – 13:30 Sharing insights and after talk
Join this session, get inspired and learn about the possibilities of this approach in your field! Walk-in is from 11:45 and lunch is included.