Innovator in the Spotlight

Towards a more inclusive society to raise awareness of basic skills gaps

In the Netherlands, 2.5 million people struggle daily with reading, writing, math, and digital skills, also called basic skills. These deficiencies make it difficult for them to fully participate in society, such as reading and understanding a letter or buying a train ticket, leading to various personal and societal problems.


Dutch Design Week 2024

Eindhoven Engine is participating in Dutch Design Week this year!
Join our workshop ‘Ahh, ik snap het niet!! to experience how complex the problem of a lack in basic skills is in our society and take action together with us.

Date: 21, 23 & 25 October 2024
Location: Plug-in Paviljoen (Ketelhuisplein, Strijp-S)

‘Ahh, ik snap het niet’ workshop

Eindhoven Engine is participating in Dutch Design Week this year!

Eindhoven Engine tackles the so-called ‘wicked problems’. These are complex societal issues that we address, understand, and solve together with researchers, professionals from the industry and institutions, and the people who experience these problems.

In the Netherlands, 2.5 million people struggle with reading, writing, and/or arithmetic. These people are confronted with immense challenges on a daily basis, which seriously hinders their participation in society.

Eindhoven Engine emphasizes the urgency of this problem and the need for action.

What is the problem?

Deze workshop beoogt de sensibilisering omtrent de steeds manifestere divergentie tussen de maatschappelijke constellatie en individuen met substantieel gedegenereerde primaire competenties, wat mogelijk kan resulteren in sociaal-juridische complicaties en institutionele aansprakelijkheden…

Huh?! Do you also find this text difficult? What feelings does it evoke in you? This is exactly how someone who has difficulty reading experiences a letter from the GP or the bank. Such situations lead to all kinds of negative personal and social consequences. Think of missing the flu shot, which increases your risk of becoming seriously ill, or unnecessary extra costs due to a price increase of your banking package.

Time for action

The gap between society and people who struggle with reading, writing, arithmetic and/or digital skills, also known as reduced basic skills, is growing. It’s time for everyone to become aware of this large and complex problem and take action to close this gap!

Manifesto Eindhoven Engine’s Inclusive Society lab — © Sichen Guo

Sign up now!

Do you want to experience how complex the problem of a lack in basic skills is in our society and take action together with us? Discover your perspective and help build an inclusive society. Sign up now for our unique workshop ‘Aahh, ik snap het niet!!’. The workshop is about DUTCH language, but everyone is welcome to join.


The workshop will be held on the following days and times:

  • Monday 21 October | 13:00 – 14:00
  • Monday 21 October | 15:00 – 16:00
  • Wednesday 23 October | 13:00 – 14:00
  • Wednesday 23 October | 15:00 – 16:00 (only a few spots left!)
  • Friday 25 October | 13:00-14:00
  • Friday 25 October | 15:00 – 16:00