Innovator in the Spotlight

Ayda Golahmadi EngD trainee Smart Cities and Buildings

Improving indoor air quality in schools in the Netherlands

My research is focused on improving indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools in the Netherlands as part of the ECOS-IAQ project.

Positive developments in second year of executing ‘Brainport Nationale Actieagenda’

Today’s publication of the ‘Brainport Nationale Actieagenda’ progress report shows the positive developments of the collaboration and execution of the second year of the ‘Brainport Nationale Actieagenda’.

The report provides insight into the many steps that have been taken to elaborate the Mainport status of Brainport Eindhoven. Characteristic during this period is the collaborative effort of the triple helix partners on Artificial Intelligence in the NL AI Coalition, the development of the Brainport Smart District, the substantiation of the first Eindhoven Engine projects and the establishment of the 5G hub on the High Tech Campus. Read more… (Dutch)

Go directly to the progress report Brainport Nationale Actieagenda (Dutch)