ILI Virtual workshops in April and May
In April and May 2020, ILI organized in collaboration with NSVV, OVLNL and Eindhoven Engine, three small-scale virtual (online) co-creation workshops on intelligent lighting. Elke den Ouden and Philip Ross set-up and facilitated these workshops.
The workshops were primarily intended for professionals from industry and government and their purpose was to initiate the co-creation of (parts of) solutions for innovation challenges in the context of light & lighting. The first workshop focused on smart lighting solutions and applications for Outdoor,
the second on Indoor and the last one on Agro & Food.
For ILI, these workshops provided an opportunity for new public private partnerships for R&D and (technological) innovation, and attracted (new) partners for collaboration in the context of its research and education activities with student teams in Innovation Space and events like GLOW.
The workshops have proven to be inspiring and successful. New links between companies, governments and ILI have been established. In the coming weeks
we will follow up on possible collaborations.
More information about the TU/e Intelligence Ligthting Institute
Photo: Bart van Overbeeke