Eindhoven Engine News – December 2022
In this edition of Eindhoven Engine News: the appointment of the new Managing Director Janne Brok, Brainport becoming Mainport, updates of two projects (IntelLight+ and Low Literacy) & more!
What else is happening at Eindhoven Engine?
Farewell party for Katja
On 8 December, Eindhoven Engine and TU/e officially bid farewell to Katja Pahnke. On 1 November, she started as Chief Development Officer at Prodrive. We thank Katja again for her contribution, energy and many inspirations at Eindhoven Engine.
Find an impression of the farewell here.
Credits: Izzy Fotografie

Life is getting better and better at Eindhoven Engine!
Many activities took place, with the Festival of Disruption as a highlight. It was a great experience to have like-minded innovators together and so important to keep growing our community outside of Eindhoven Engine as well!
After the summer, we also introduced the project updates on Thursday mornings every five weeks, the ‘Every 5 weeks update’. These offer an informal moment to update and learn from each other and some valuable new connections have been made. From students to research to project leaders, all were present to provide mind-challenging presentations. We invite you to join these meetings as well; the time investment is low and the energy high!
As always, we will keep growing and gaining momentum with our community! If you would like to participate or be involved in any way, please contact us via community@eindhovenengine.nl!

Jasmijn, succesor to Joris
Meet also our new community manager Jasmijn Schol as the successor to Joris Dufils. Questions and advice about how to join the community or about community building, please contact her via community@eindhovenengine.nl
“I look foward to continuing to build the community of Eindhoven Engine. You can find me from Monday to Thursday in House of Disruption or 0.44 in building Disruptor.”

Eindhoven Engine News – December 2022
In this edition of Eindhoven Engine News: the appointment of the new Managing Director Janne Brok, Brainport becoming Mainport, updates of two projects (IntelLight+ and Low Literacy) & more!
What else is happening at Eindhoven Engine?