Innovator in the Spotlight

Ayda Golahmadi EngD trainee Smart Cities and Buildings

Improving indoor air quality in schools in the Netherlands

My research is focused on improving indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools in the Netherlands as part of the ECOS-IAQ project.

Media: New innovation projects for Fontys in Eindhoven Engine

Fontys participates with two new innovation projects in Eindhoven Engine, the innovation accelerator of the Brainport region. A total of seven new innovation projects will start.


These projects in particular in the fields of energy, health and smart mobility will conduct research in the coming years with a total budget of nearly 17 million euros, to which Eindhoven Engine contributes a total of over 2.4 million euros. The investment for the Eindhoven Engine OpenCall 2022 comes from the Brainport Regio Deal.

The seven projects can bring their innovations to the market faster, as they continue their research within Eindhoven Engine, collaborate at Eindhoven Engine’s colocation on the TU/e campus and build the internal community together. Until 2025, the new projects have time to use the boost from Eindhoven Engine to further develop their innovations.