By carrying out their research under the same roof at the Eindhoven Engine co-location, the two projects have found each other, got connected and have been able to make a terrific crossover.
The right candidate
The SmartMan project, a consortium of Eindhoven Engine, Fontys, TNO and Brainport Industries Campus, aims to improve factory efficiency by optimizing production processes with the support of HBO students through an assignment or internship at SMEs. Carbyon was searching for a student who would be able to help them with exactly that. Moudar Al Abdullah was the right candidate from the start. Using the competencies built up in the mechatronics curriculum, Moudar will work on the design of the sorbent-coating process of Carbyon’s equipment. Carbyon develops systems to extract CO2 from the air. By capturing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it in empty gas fields under the sea, Carbyon contributes to the CO2 reduction program.
It is the ambition of the two projects to extend their collaboration with multiple project activities in the different phases of the students study time at Fontys. An ambition that we fully support and that fits the DNA of Eindhoven Engine.
We wish Moudar good luck with his internship!

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