
Media: Innovation accelerator Eindhoven Engine enters new phase

As a society, we face numerous challenges. At Eindhoven Engine, a collaborative program between companies, knowledge institutions, social organizations and citizens in the Brainport region, work has been going on for years on innovations to address these problems. Now the program is breaking new ground.


Thematic session: City Digital Twin

Date: Thursday 1 June 2023
Time: 12:00 – 13:30
Location: building Disruptor

In the future, we will increasingly use Digital Twin models as we come to understand the benefit of these models. Digital Twin models will predict more and more accurately the effect of choices on very specific situations and at all levels.

To this end these models will also becoming more sophisticated and comprehensive. We already see this with digital twins of high-tech machines, health-tech applications and urban environments, among others.

Join this session (lunch included), get inspired and learn about the possibilities of this approach in your field!


Three of our community members are currently working with digital twin in the urban environment. They will give short presentations about their work:

These presentations will be followed by an interactive part where actual questions from projects will be tackled in mini-workshops.

Whether you are a researcher, a business professional, or a student, this session is open to all members of the Eindhoven Engine Community.